Pro Series 95 Uncut Fixed Shaft - 95sq Inch Blade
Our 100% carbon fiber paddles are beautifully constructed with an elongated ten-degree teardrop blade, smooth drawn out dihedral spine, and reinforced ABS edge. The sub-laminated graphics will ensure that your paddle will hold up and look great over time. Our U.S.A. made carbon fiber shafts are tested to achieve the highest standards of strength to weight ratio to any other paddle on the market.
This combination of blade and shaft evenly distributes the energy from your body to the blade allowing for a smoother transition without compromising performance or sacrificing your body to stress and fatigue.
Pro Series 95
The 95 is our #1 selling model. Don't let the size of the blade fool you. This paddle packs a lot of punch! With the same smooth performance characteristics as our 85 the 95 caters to the slightly bigger than average-sized paddler/race athlete.